Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the eligibility requirements to study abroad?

For the study abroad program, students must submit the required documents by the specified deadlines. They also need to demonstrate language proficiency and meet a minimum GPA requirement.

How can students apply for visa support through SER Education?

To apply for visa support, students need to submit the required documents, follow the application process, be aware of the processing time, and attend embassy appointments as needed.

What types of academic counseling are available for students?

Our academic counseling services include course selection, guidance on degree programs, career advice, and assistance in creating study plans.

What support is offered to students after they arrive in their study abroad destination?

Upon arrival, students can expect assistance with accommodation, orientation sessions, and airport pickup to ensure a smooth transition to their new environment.

Ready to Start Your Study Abroad Journey?

Get in touch with us today to explore the world with SER Education!